Show Notes

1min 56s: The biggest mistakes that you see people use with LinkedIn?

3mins 44s: How do you build the ‘know, like, and trust’ using LinkedIn?

5mins 08s: Is LinkedIn just for B2B businesses? How B2C businesses maximize the use of LinkedIn and don’t waste their time with it?

6mins 45s: How Steve trains people on LinkedIn?

8mins 39s: Why training quite often a complete waste of time and money?

10mins 32s: How LinkedIn works with in person networking.

13mins 11s: Why should B2B or B2C customers use LinkedIn over the other social media platforms?

15mins 12s: How Steve sees LinkedIn in a wider business context.

16mins 59s: What’s the next stage for LinkedIn as they’re now owned by Microsoft?

18mins 56s: Which videos and blogs have the greatest traction online?

21mins 35s: What’s a normal day like for Steve.

24mins 35s: Who Steve follows to generate inspiration for his business.

You can contact Steve on and at his website

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